Should You Or Should You Not Let Kids Attend Your Wedding?
One of the biggest dilemmas that couples have is whether to make their wedding a family-friendly event or exclusively for adults. While you certainly don’t want to offend any of your guests, you also want to avoid some concerns about children attending it.
For those who want a beautiful wedding in a chalet, having kids around can be complicated. You must worry about so many things, not to mention keeping the entertainment as family-friendly as possible.
Planning is the key
It can be challenging when people must choose between attending a wedding and leaving their children with someone or not going at all. So, before it causes any problem for your guests, you need to make your decision before you start creating your wedding invitations.
There are several factors that you need to consider before arriving at any decision. One, children can be very spontaneous, especially when they’re bored. So, it would help if you relied on their parents to take control once that happens. You also need to consider how having kids in the event will affect your budget. Since you can’t expect their parents to manage their kids on their own, there’s a chance that you need to hire a nanny service for the event.
Meanwhile, not allowing children at your wedding can cause some of your guests to feel offended. If you have loved ones that have kids of their own, they may find your decision rude. So, you should try to consider how your choices will affect your guests.
Make a few compromises
It’s crucial to be open-minded about any compromises. While you may prefer having a stress-free and simple wedding not overrun by children, you need to make a few exceptions occasionally. For instance, you can consider inviting children within your families but not those of any of your friends. In that way, you can avoid upsetting your close family members.
Also, you need to be clear about your expectations. You need to let your guests know about your decisions no matter what it may be. It must be clear, so there’ll be no room for interpretation. How you deliver it is solely up to you. You can ask your wedding planner for any tips that’ll help you how to do it. One way to do it is by including it within your wedding invitations. You can even create a separate web page for it if you’re planning to do a wedding site for your wedding.
Regardless of the method that you want to use to convey the message, you need to be clear whether the children get invited. If they are, ensure that you specify the children that are invited. Doing so will let your guests know which ones can attend the wedding.
At the end of the day, it is going to be your wedding. So, all decisions will rely on you. Try to think about it and see its pros and cons. What’s important is that you get to enjoy the most memorable event of your lives as a couple.
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